The Share Fair is Back!

The Solidarity Share Fair is returning August 21st with a large in-person outdoor event as we did in the pre-pandemic days! 
The purpose of the Share Fair is to connect people with resources, services, and each other in a convenient and fun way. The fair will be providing free resources and services from local organizations and community groups to unhoused and working class members of the community. There will be food, live music, games, and a chance to know other Eugene organizations and folks in the community – and it’s all free!
When: Sunday, August 21st, 2022
Where: Monroe Park (10th and Monroe)
Time: 2-6pm (Setup 1-2pm, cleanup 6-7pm)
Our event aims to go beyond the experience of handing someone a sandwich when they are hungry, we create a space where people are welcomed to join in community. We provide music, haircuts, massage, bike repair, resume support, first aid, warm meals and empathy to folks who are often pushed away.  Additionally, we offer the opportunity to speak with representatives from health care, counseling, and housing services. Through building connections and empowering guests to get involved and volunteer, we are changing the dynamic of our neighborhoods. We choose to lead by example, making an effort to give to others in kind and respectful ways. We rescue food, clothing, shoes, toiletries, backpacks, sleeping bags/camping gear, and much more from various locations to then redistribute to people in need. With more and more of our neighbors being effected by the housing crisis and food insecurity, we need events such as the Share Fair now, more than ever.

Events such as the share fair are necessary because capitalism is failing people. Those who don’t conform to the dominant economic model are discarded by society and the government is unable to provide the sort of care we can provide for each other. One of the principles of anarchism is that members of a community see what needs to be done and take responsibility for doing it themselves. In that spirit, Share Fair is organized by the consensus model; no one leads or follows, instead, all work together toward a common goal. We hope to set the example to others, to show that it’s possible to take action without the government and to cooperate without hierarchy while still being effective (or being more effective).

Want to help out? Donations, volunteers, and services needed!

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