Who We Are

There is so much misinformation about anarchists that we wanted a group to loudly and proudly show people what anarchism is really about. We will do that through concrete projects in the community that support people and contributes to the world we want to see. We want to break some common stereotypes about anarchists and do things that make people take a second look at anarchism.

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What We Do

Projects are the heart of what we do and how we engage with the public. We are working on:


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Intersectional Action

We at NAC recognize that our society is dominated by intersecting oppressive power structures, including capitalism, the state, white supremacy / racism, cis-hetero-patriarchy, ableism, agism, and classism. We are committed to intersectional action in all that we do.

Join us at the next Public Gathering!

Curious about anarchism? Want to be involved in projects that benefit your community and enrich your life? You’re invited to the Neighborhood Anarchist Collective Public Gathering! We’ll explain the purpose of NAC, demonstrate how we work together, explore how we’re organized, and provide new members with the tools they need to plug in! Join us to learn about actions, projects, and how to get involved!

NAC welcomes everyone. Our meetings are ADA accessible. If you have any questions or accessibility needs please feel free to contact us.

Check the events below for the location and details.

Upcoming Events

Here’s some of the upcoming events either organized or supported by NAC:

Latest News

Share Fair! Summer 2024

Share Fair! Summer 2024

The Solidarity Share Fair is returning in August with a large in-person outdoor event!

The purpose of the Share Fair is to connect people with resources, services, and each other in a convenient and fun way. The fair will be providing free resources and services from local organizations and community groups to unhoused and working class members of the community. There will be food, live music, games, and a chance to know other Eugene organizations and folks in the community – and it’s all free!

When: Sunday, August 18th
Time: noon-4pm
Where: Park Blocks (8th and Oak)

** Want to help out? Donations, volunteers, and services needed! **
Donation info: https://neighborhoodanarchists.org/sharefair/
Volunteer info: https://neighborhoodanarchists.org/share-fair-volunteer/
Services info: https://neighborhoodanarchists.org/share-fair-services/
Contact: sharefair@neighborhoodanarchists.org

More info: https://neighborhoodanarchists.org/sharefair/

A Report Back on Resistance to the Olympic Trials in So-Called Eugene

A Report Back on Resistance to the Olympic Trials in So-Called Eugene

This reportback was shared with us anonymously. NAC did not organize this action.

The Olympic track trials took place on Kalapuya Land in so-called Eugene from June 21st to June 30th. Over the course of the trials, resistance took the form of marches and attacks on symbols of imperialism and the Olympics throughout the town. Report backs were received on two autonomous actions that happened in the early hours of June 27th:


June 27, Nike Building on Kalapuya Land, so-called eugene, oregon

In the early-morning hours of June 27, a group took it upon themselves to respond to a call to action to disrupt business as usual in so-called eugene. As this city focuses on the spectacle of the olympic track trials, we must remember that there will be no business as usual until Palestine is free.

In mere minutes the atrocious, neon-orange, nike building got a makeover. Some windows were smashed, an inflatable entrance was slashed, and some red paint splattered on the walls. The group left a single tag reading “Free Gaza,” to make their intentions even more clear.

While nike likes to pretend it is “progressive,” the company very actively supports genocide. Nike regularly sends athletic equipment to the isr*eli defense forces, and regularly contributes to isr*eli zionist organizations. Nike has funded and collaborated with isr*eli athletes and sports associations based in isr*el. This action is the least that they deserve.

As always, let this serve as a reminder that we can always take things into our own hands.

With Love, Rage, and Solidarity,

Free Palestine.


Early morning on June 27th, local Olympics targets that are symbols of imperialism, colonialism, and capitalism were attacked during the Olympic Track and Field trials, which serve to legitimize US & “Israeli” global terror and genocide. A University of Oregon mural on Franklin boulevard near the trials was redecorated with a paint-filled fire extinguisher and multiple spray-painted stencils to condemn the University’s role in facilitating genocide abroad and forced displacement at home.

We will not tolerate complicity in genocide. Zionist and American fascism are laying waste to the Palestinian people who are refusing their disappearance with a bravery and steadfastness that we must uplift with our whole beings in action or else drown in the blood of our wavering inaction. The targets are everywhere. We have waited too long. We must take all necessary action against our genocidal state for liberation.

The horrors of genocide are not an isolated elsewhere but are ever-present in the concrete here and now. The Olympics, built on the blood, labor, and displacement of oppressed peoples everywhere, serve only to legitimize empire. In the tradition of Indigenous resistance to the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, we say No Olympics on Stolen Land. In the tradition of the anti-fascist 1936 People’s Olympiad, we say No Olympics of Fascist Terror. In the tradition of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics that spawned GILEE, a direct tie between the fascist US police and the fascist IOF, we say fuck your Olympics and Stop Cop City.

Here in Eugene, the Olympic trials bring an inordinate amount of gentrification, policing, and the violent evictions and forcible displacement of houseless people from public space. These imperialist incursions into our community are rapidly changing the landscape of this city, bringing only profits drenched in the blood of genocide and the violence of the state upon our own oppressed. There are no separate worlds. Resistance until victory!

Free Casey Goonan!

Free Jack Mazurek!

Freedom to all fighting people!

Victory to the Palestinian Resistance!

Boarded up Nike shop windows



Have an action report you’d like published anonymously? Share it here: https://neighborhoodanarchists.org/action-report

Share Fair Report Back!

The Neighborhood Anarchist Collective (NAC) hosted its second Solidarity Share Fair of 2024 on May 19. Share Fair has been an ongoing NAC project for 6 years, with events as often as monthly and currently about every 3 months, as volunteer availability allows. This May was one of the largest and most successful Share Fairs to date. An estimated 400 participants enjoyed live music, hot food, haircuts, and more– all completely free of charge. Participants brought donations as well, so a rotating selection of clothes and other items were available. Longtime donor Run Hub Northwest provided shoes, and a grant allowed NAC to purchase dozens of tents. Hundreds of donated tarps were also available, along with portable stoves.

Other organizations joined NAC in providing services to the community. HIV Alliance provided HIV testing and harm reduction supplies; first aid materials were available onsite and to take, along with natural remedies provided by Herbalists Without Borders. In addition to burgers, hot dogs, and sides provided by NAC, 86 Hunger brought their own food truck, and Dark Pine donated coffee. A volunteer was available for mending and altering clothing, and Housing and Neighborhood Defense provided information on tenant rights.

While goods and services aimed at basic survival are prioritized, there are options to meet other needs as well. A masseuse set up a table under the shade trees, peacekeepers were available for deescalation as needed and a listening ear, and live music and lawn games kept the atmosphere festive.

Solidarity Share Fair embodies the principle of mutual aid. For anarchists, this means a form of meeting each other’s needs free from hierarchies or stipulations. Participants and organizers alike are able to give what they can and take what they need. At Share Fair, no one has to prove that they need resources or agree with NAC’s ideals in order to get access to them. Needing something alone is reason enough to receive it. If this is your vision for the world, or even for an afternoon, please sign up to volunteer or donate at https://neighborhoodanarchists.org/sharefair/

The next Share Fair is going to be August 18th at the Park Blocks!

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