Share Fair Volunteer Info


Next Share Fair Details

When: November 9 @ 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Where: Trauma Healing Project

What is the Share Fair?

The Share Fair provides “no barrier” accessibility to necessary resources to anyone in the community who is in need. “No barrier” means there are no questions asked, no forms to fill out, and no one turned away; just people freely giving what they can and taking what they need.

What you’ll find at the Share Fair:

  • Free food, clothes, and supplies
  • Free services like haircuts, sewing, and massages
  • Helpful local organizations providing information about their services (like HIV Alliance and Women’s Space)
  • Music and a space to relax, talk with people, and just be.

More about the Share Fair


Check-in at the information table when you arrive. Please arrive a little early if you can and we’ll do a quick orientation. 

Setup: 10:30am – noon
Share Fair: noon – 4pm
Cleanup: 4 – 5pm

Please stay for cleanup if you can. There’s stuff to do until the very end.

Volunteer Roles

Setup: Set up tables, put up signs, and get everything ready for the start.
Cleanup: Help us ensure the space is left better than we found it!
Gear Tables: Organize donations and help people find things.
Welcome Table: Answer questions. Give out information. Direct people where to go.
Food: Help prep and serve food
Spa Attendant: Keep list and call names for massages and haircuts.
Floater: Do random tasks and/or fill in wherever is needed.
Deescalate tense situations. Help people.
Kid Space: Helping out in the kid room

Important Info

  • Know your limits – Check in with yourself about how you’re feeling. If you’re not up to much interaction with people today let someone know and we can find an easier role for you that is still helpful.
  • Ask for help – If you don’t know something or need any assistance ask another volunteer, a section coordinator, someone with a radio, or at the welcome table for help.
  • Escalation – If tensions are rising ask someone with a radio to call for a peacekeeper. Err on the side of calling for a peacekeeper early even if it’s not necessary yet.
  • Take breaks! – We want this to be a fun event for everyone. Especially if you’re volunteering for a long time please take at least one break.
  • We consider all volunteers to also be attendees of the share fair – The food, coffee, and other services are there for you too! Feel free to eat something, take some gear, get a massage, enjoy the music, etc. However please do not take items or sign up for services before the fair starts.
  • Be collaborative – The other volunteers are here to help!
  • Check personal items – Check your personal items in at the welcome table bag check. Otherwise it may get mistaken for a donation.
  • Give other volunteers breaks – If things are slow and there’s not much for you to do, offer to give someone else a break. (And/or take a break yourself)

How to deal with tough interactions

The vast majority of interactions are great and people are very appreciative & thankful. However the people attending the event have very stressful lives just trying to survive and taking care of their basic needs and sometimes there might be people who are stressed/upset and we want to make sure we create a safe place and everyone is respected.

Below are some tips to have better conversations when dealing with a tough interaction. Please only do what is comfortable for you and seek support when you need it.

  • Use a buddy system
  • Get support from other volunteers if you don’t feel comfortable
  • Breathe
  • Stay Calm: It will be easier for the other person to calm down if you remain calm
  • Don’t argue with people.
  • Don’t take things personally. You don’t need to correct the record or set them straight.
  • Assume the best of people
  • Recognize that people might be having a rough day and are often harassed. We want to create a safe welcoming place for them.
  • Listen actively: let them know you understand their point of view and reflect it back so they know you heard them.
  • Don’t shush them or tell them to calm down.
  • Click here to learn more about de-escalation

Sign Up To Volunteer!

After filling out the form you will be contacted by a volunteer coordinator and added to an email list to receive updates about volunteering at the share fair. (You’re welcome to just show up and volunteer without signing up in advance. This just helps us plan.)


    SetupCleanupGear TablesWelcome TableFoodSpa AttendantFloaterPeacekeeperKid spaceOther (Describe below)

    Thank you!

    We really appreciate you volunteering time for this important event. The Share Fair couldn’t happen without you.

    We want to know how to make volunteering as easy, productive, and enjoyable as possible. After you volunteer please send us some feedback!

    There are volunteer opportunities in between the share fair days too (seeking donations, coordinating services, making art, etc)! Let us know if you’re interested in helping out! Email us at