
Approved 9/6/17. Amended: 9/26/17, 11/5/17, 1/14/18, 6/10/18, 7/30/18, 10/18/19, 11/19/19, 1/12/20, 7/23/20, 1/24/21, 2/8/22, 12/23/23, 5/26/2024.

This document is not meant to limit what we do, but to reflect what we do.

Other important structure documents

NAC Mission & Principles
NAC Safer Space & Collective Norms
NAC Security Culture

Decision Making

For making decisions, we use both the consensus and advice processes. The advice process is used for most day to day decisions; Consensus is used for major decisions.

Advice Process

Any person can make any decision after seeking advice from 1) everyone who will be meaningfully affected, and 2) people with expertise in the matter.

Advice received must be taken into consideration. With the advice and perspectives the decision maker receives, they choose what they believe to be the best course of action. The point is to access collective wisdom in pursuit of a sound decision, rather than create a compromise that accommodates the wishes of all.
More general info on the advice process


Consensus is a cooperative process in which group members develop and agree to support a decision in the best interest of the whole. A decision may not be everyone’s personal preference, but is something that all can agree is worth trying. The wisdom of the group is synthesized through active listening, shared purpose, preparation, deliberation, and a focus on issues and solutions.
More general info on consensus

Consensus proposals are typically sent out twice before the final decision is reached. This is so the proposals are clear and that everyone is informed and has a chance to participate in the decision.

Proposal Process

  • Proposals for advice and consensus are often sent out at least twice before the final decision is reached. This is so the proposals are clear and that everyone is informed and has a chance to participate in the decision.
  • Questions, concerns, and disagreements can be discussed in more detail at an in-person meeting.
  • The proposal is amended to reflect the advice received and then is usually sent out again. Notes about the in-person discussion can be included for context. 
  • If someone later disagrees with a decision (whether they participated in the decision or not) they can submit a new proposal to make a new decision.
  • If an urgent decision is needed on a faster timeline than usual, reasonable adjustments to the process can be made for a faster decision (such as seeking advice only digitally), but never to purposefully exclude people. 
  • If sensitive information is involved then it can be omitted from the proposal process and/or just the Coordination Team can be consulted. 


Projects are the heart of what we do. Together, we work creatively to affect positive change in the community.

Project Priorities – We prioritize projects that:

1) Serve and educate the community
2) Give people a sense of their own power; and,
3) Shift power from government and corporations to people and communities.

NAC Projects – Projects that are publicly associated with NAC. They will often arise naturally from affinity group projects that align with the mission and principles and already have a lot of passion and energy from those in the collective. The coordination team will invite official NAC projects after seeking advice from the internal gathering. Ideally, new projects will have at least two people excited to convene it.

Affinity Groups – An affinity group is a small group who work together autonomously on direct action or other projects. Affinity groups challenge top-down decision-making and organizing, and empower those involved to take creative direct action. Affinity groups are by nature decentralized and non-hierarchical – two important principles of anarchist organizing and action. Affinity group projects that align with the NAC mission and principles could be invited to become a public NAC project by the coordination team after they seek advice from the internal gathering.

Project Teams
Each project will be coordinated by a Project Team. Project teams will function like the Teams (described below). Projects can also decide to set up sub-teams to divide up work among smaller groups.

Projects are made up of people who are in NAC (have gone through a NAC Welcome Introduction or Welcome Gathering). Projects may work in collaboration with individuals not in NAC and community groups as they see fit.

Internal Teams

Teams are empowered to make decisions with advice they gather from the other teams, individuals, and the general collective. Some decisions may be complex enough that a team chooses to seek advice and/or consensus from the coordination team.

Each team has a two conveners who are responsible for scheduling the meetings, inviting people to attend, starting an agenda, and generally just making sure the team meets and does things. The convener role can rotate as the team sees fit.

Facilitation Team

The Facilitation team is the main place for in depth discussion of internal matters. It is responsible for:
  • Facilitation – Making all NAC discussions easy and constructive. (Organizing gatherings, maintaining hive site, managing email lists, supporting internal communication)
  • Nurturing – Supporting people in NAC to work together in a healthy way. (Promoting healthy group dynamics, welcoming new people, fun internal events, conflict resolution)
  • Communications – Promoting NAC in the community. (Maintaining website, social media, creating public materials, connecting NAC with the outside world)
  • Logistics – Ensuring NAC has the materials and resources it needs. (Tracking money, fundraising, managing internal resources)
In the future it could make sense to break the facilitation team into four separate teams again (see old structure documents for expanded description of teams).

Coordination Team

Ensures the overall healthy functioning of the collective.

The coordination team is responsible for:

  • Recognizing NAC projects – Inviting affinity groups to become official NAC projects when it’s in line with mission/principles and the collective is excited about it.
  • Editing the structure – Making edits to the mission, principles, security culture, and structure documents after getting advice from the full collective.
  • Group outreach – Reaching out to and connecting with other community organizations to collaborate on joint projects when appropriate.
  • Other things that aren’t covered by another team. They will be added to this list as they become clear.

Because of the nature of the coordination team, security is a concern, so it will not be open to the public like the other teams and projects. Members of the coordination team will invite people in the collective to join that are active, trustworthy, and connected with the community. Intentional effort will be made to invite people with diverse backgrounds and perspectives.

Why a coordination team?

As having a group like a coordination team could be potentially problematic, transparency and accountability will be prioritized. After much discussion, we think the benefits outway the risks. Here are some of the reasons why we think it will be helpful:

  • Gatherings are primarily a space to get plugged into the collective and to cross-pollinate between the teams, projects, and affinity groups. Decision making happens outside the gatherings within the affected groups/teams, and so the coordination team functions as the space where full group decisions can be made.
  • It’s important that decisions about public projects and structural changes be made by people who are active in the collective with a stake in its healthy functioning.
  • It’s helpful to have a group responsible for responding and adapting to complex situations and to ensure the overall healthy functioning of the collective.
  • To be able to discuss potentially sensitive topics with a smaller group of trusted, vetted individuals.
  • Good security culture means that only those who need to know should be involved in the conversation, not everyone needs to know everything. This is the culture in practice.
  • Leadership and potential power imbalances exist in all groups, even “leaderless groups”. By claiming “leaderlessness”,  there is no structural accountability of the decision/policy makers to the full group. By recognizing and acknowledging the need for a coordinating body, we can take steps to be transparent, accountable, reduce the power imbalances, and provide a clear path into the team for those interested in sharing in the work.

Coordination team transparency and accountability

  • Before making any decision, the coordination team will look to see if there is any other group that could make it so it does as little as possible.
  • Decisions are made by consensus after seeking advice from the internal gatherings, the full collective, teams, and/or affected individuals so as many people are involved as is reasonable.
  • The coordination team will publish meeting notes to the full group so everyone knows what is happening.
  • The size of the team is not limited. Active people connected to the community will continually and intentionally be invited to ensure broad participation and diversity of perspectives.
  • Full consensus of the Coordination Team is required to change the structure and to add people to the Coordination Team.


The Internal and Welcome Gatherings are spaces for people in the collective to come together, learn what people are working on, gather advice, and work on projects.

Things that happen at Gatherings:

  • General announcements
  • Team/Project updates
  • Advice requests
  • Other discussions

We don’t make many decisions at Gatherings. Instead, individuals, teams, projects, and affinity groups gather advice so they can make informed decisions within the affected groups.

Bottomliners & Roles

1-2 people fulfill each bottomliner role and share the responsibilities to ensure that regular tasks are completed. Bottomliners don’t have to fulfill all the responsibilities themselves, they just ensure that it gets done. Having clearly defined roles makes it clearer who is doing what, increases transparency and accountability, gives people agency to try new things, and makes it easier to rotate responsibilities. 

Each bottomliner works with a team. Teams are responsible for filling the roles connected to their team. Ideally roles will rotate yearly where one person is experienced in the role and one person is learning the role. Teams will check in with bottomliners about their roles at least at the beginning of each calendar year. When a bottomliner needs to transition their role they’ll give as much notice as possible and help transition the role to someone else. 

Team/Project Conveners – Each team/project has a convener who ensures that the team meets and fulfills its purpose: Schedules meetings, invites people to attend, starts agendas, etc. 

NAC Co-Conveners – Overall ensures the daily tasks of the full collective are done: Convenes the gatherings, sends reminder emails/slack posts, replies to the general contact email, maintains email lists, and other little things that help create consistency. Works with the Coordination Team.

Networkers – Connects NAC with other groups: Goes to other group’s meetings, talks with other groups and relays information, coordinates with people already connected to other groups, etc. Works with the Coordination Team.

Outreach and Inreach Bottomliners – Welcomes new people and strengthens connections between existing people: Talks with new people at public gatherings, coordinates 1-1 welcome introductions, emails new people to follow up, checks in with existing people, organizes fun events, etc. Works with the Facilitation Team.

Fundraisers – Gathers and manages money for NAC: Organizes fundraising events, coordinates donations, tracks expenses, does reimbursements, and shares regular money updates with the collective. Works with the Coordination Team.

Compassion Comrades (CC)– Two or more people that are available to provide support to anyone in the collective about any difficulties they’re experiencing. It could be about a problematic comment or interaction at a meeting (or just a weird vibe), a conflict with another person in NAC, difficulty getting involved in NAC, or really anything that someone wants support with (in NAC or outside). Support would depend on the situation and what the person wants, but could look like: Just listening and validating, starting a conflict navigation process, mediation help, advice on navigating NAC, connecting them to others with knowledge or resources, etc. Anything shared with a CC would be kept confidential (unless permission was given to share.) At least one Compassion Comrade should be on the NAC Coordination Team.

Money and Expenses

We are clear and transparent about how money donated to NAC is used so we can ensure that it is used well. We allocate funds and make decisions about money based on trust and the advice process. More detailed information about money decisions and a record of all expenses are published internally.

Conflict Navigation Framework

We want to do conflict well, for tensions between members to be healthy and contribute to personal and collective growth. We want to embrace new practices and build a culture of care and accountability where members feel invited to express and discuss differences of opinion in an open and honest way. We can acknowledge mistakes and harm while holding both perpetrators and community accountable. 

We also have a A General Process for Navigating Difficult Situations if needed.

Conflict Navigation Principles

  • We endeavor to the best of our ability to self-reflect, bring up issues promptly, and seek help when needed.
  • We begin with the people directly involved, and expand from there as needed.
  • We have mutual responsibility and care for each other. We act in good faith and work to be constructive, empathetic, and honest. We navigate conflicts with both our individual needs and the needs of the collective in mind.
  • If anyone involved in a situation thinks it is a conflict, then it is a conflict, and they can utilize this framework.
  • We view each other through the “Green Lens”:
    • This person is whole and complete
    • They have goals, dreams, and a desire to make a difference
    • They have their own answers
    • They are contributing to me right now
    • They deserve to be treated with dignity and respect
  • Disagreements can inspire discussion and learning. However, if a disagreement is blocking progress, is hurtful, or is harmful, then something needs to be addressed.
  • Anyone affected by a conflict can move an issue to the next navigation step if it is not being addressed at the current level of engagement.
  • Resolution means the parties involved feel heard, the agreed outcome or change is clear, and normal decision-making and activity within the collective is possible. If a conflict continues to negatively impact an individual or the team, more work is needed.

Regular practices to navigate conflict

  • At welcome introductions we introduce our principles, communication systems, culture, and conflict resolution process.
  • Many conflicts are misunderstandings. Don’t make assumptions about what others intend, feel, think, understand, or mean. Start with questions to clarify. 
  • Don’t tell people what they feel. Talk in terms of your feelings or needs. 
  • We hold regular team process check-ins to reflect on our systems and raise any issues.
  • We continuously focus on effective, empathetic communication. We create a culture of giving and receiving direct constructive feedback, listening to one another, and asking for help when needed.
  • We discuss conflict practices as a group and share how each of us approaches conflict and would like to be approached about conflict.

Navigation Steps

Generally, the process will start with an “internal check in” and move from there as needed. However, someone could begin at a later step after seeking advice that it would be appropriate to the specific situation.

Ideally, the Conflict Navigation Framework is initiated with all conflict participants. But, if some parties are unwilling, the process could be started with just one.

If you notice conflict between others that seems to be harmful, empower yourself to draw their attention to it. If necessary, you can suggest they engage in the Conflict Navigation Framework.

Internal check-in

We start with ourselves. Notice what’s going on internally. Talk to a friend or journal if that would be helpful for you. Strong feelings deserve our caring attention. Get curious about our raw spots and decide how to move forward rather than deepen the wound.

Start by assuming the other person has good intentions (unless proven otherwise).

Most conflict in social movement groups happen because we have strong feelings about people close to us. When those feelings emerge, we can dig deeper and ask ourselves: What else is true? What else is going on I’m not aware of? What else is going on in my life? Am I overreacting? Am I being insecure? Am I taking something personally? Am I simplifying a complex interaction? 

Is this situation my responsibility? In my control? If not, can I imagine letting go?
Am I activated due to my history and experiences? Can I attend to these wounds with care?
Do I recognize patterns of reaction from earlier experiences?

Direct communication

Reach out to the person you feel conflict with, let them know you’re feeling conflict, and invite them to talk. In person is best if possible.

Giving feedback is hard. Find a neutral/safe space to share. Be aware of social and historical power dynamics. It may take more than one conversation. Start with gratitude and what you appreciate about each other. Invite the other person to share their story of the conflict. Be compassionate to yourself and the other person. Once they are finished, share your story.

What will make this situation more safe?
What will lower the level of conflict intensity?
How can everyone in the conflict get their basic needs met?
What kinds of health, mental health, and healing supports are needed?
What would accountability in this situation look like and who needs to be involved?

Supported communication

Include a mutually trusted person to host a conversation, choose someone who can remain neutral and is an able facilitator. Encourage participants to speak their truth in order to navigate complexities and possible contradictions (we all have them).

Here is a Mediation Guide that could be helpful for the person supporting the conversation. 

Facilitation team

If an agreed upon outcome is not reached, pause to sit in discomfort and once again check in internally. 

Then reach out to the Facilitation Team ( The Facilitation Team will select a few people to be a support team to help. The team will try to find a mutually agreeable next step, such as hosting a mediation themselves, or inviting an external mediator.

Coordination Team

Conflicts should rarely reach this point, but if the situation has escalated beyond an interpersonal level it becomes a concern for the whole group. The Coordination Team will review the circumstances and previous process, listen to all sides, look at how it is influencing the group, and try to find a resolution that will benefit the whole group.

Irresolvable conflicts may lead to someone leaving the organization or a systemic/structural change to the group.

We are all in the process of learning how to navigate complex cases of harm in our communities as justly as possible. This framework may be far from perfect and we would welcome feedback as we build our skills in conflict resolution.