NAC Security Culture

The following is NAC’s specific implementation of Security Culture that fits the context we are in. Click here to learn about Security Culture in general.

Security Culture is a set of shared customs that are designed to minimize risk, to offset paranoia, and to increase effectiveness and trust. These intentional practices can become habitual and instinctive. 


  1. NAC is a public and above-ground group. We welcome people with different comfort levels and experience with activism and direct action. We don’t want to expose people to danger that they haven’t signed up for.
  2. People should never be aware of sensitive information they do not need to know – Don’t ask, don’t tell.
  3. Don’t share personally identifying information about yourself or others
  4. What we say and don’t say, what we type and don’t type is our best defence from the state. Protecting people’s identities is our best defence from Fascists/Nazi organizations.
  5. Don’t talk to cops (except to assert your rights or if acting as a police liaison)
  6. Know that you can say “no” at any time to anyone about anything. Don’t answer questions or participate in any projects you don’t feel good about.
  7. Look out for other people. Don’t imperil others with your decisions. Don’t brag about past actions. Remember: Jokes can be taken seriously.  
  8. If you’re going to organize confrontational/arrestable (initiating confrontation that interferes with other group’s activities) protests or actions:
    1. Utilize affinity groups (small groups of trusted people)
    2. Organize in person as much as possible
    3. Be conscious of the locations you choose to organize in and consider the risks.
    4. If organizing online do it in an encrypted system and only where you know everyone (affinity group).
  9. Don’t get too distracted worrying about whether people are infiltrators or not; if your security measures are effective, it shouldn’t even matter. Keep sensitive information inside the circle of people it concerns, collaborate with reliable and experienced comrades whose history you can verify, and don’t give away anything about your private activities.

NAC Slack

  1. Slack is corporate and NOT encrypted. Don’t write anything you wouldn’t want the FBI to know or that you wouldn’t want to to be read in a courtroom
  2. Don’t even allude to illegal actions
  3. No references or jokes or anything about violence
  4. Don’t organize confrontational/arrestable protests or actions
  5. No personally identifying info about anyone
  6. Don’t ‘Slack’ on your digital security 😉

At meetings

  1. We want NAC meetings to be welcoming and not-intimidating
  2. Respect other people’s right to not know things
  3. Be aware of who is in the space – How much do you know/trust everyone around you?
  4. We don’t want to say anything in this space that we would want to keep hidden from cops. Keep projects that should remain clandestine to affinity groups and in private meetings with verified comrades.
  5. This is a space to talk about the projects that we are excited for the community to know about. Projects where we want to invite all people who want to help to get involved.


  1. Don’t take notes on sensitive information
  2. Use first names or aliases in notes depending on individual preference.