Share Fair: A Really Free Market!

Share Fair: A Really Free Market!

The Neighborhood Anarchist Collective will be hosting its first Share Fair on Tuesday, February 27th at First Christian Church*! This free market is a project organized by members of NAC in the hopes of cultivating ways for neighbors to help each other meet basic needs.

The fair will be providing free goods and services from local businesses, organizations, and charities to unhoused and vulnerable members of the community. There will also be food, live music, games, a movie, and a chance to know other folks in the community – and it’s all free!

We are also still accepting donations! If you or your group/business/organization/charity would like to provide goods or services at this event, please contact to get connected. A list of some of the resources we are looking for includes, but are not limited to: underwear, socks, shoes, blankets/sleeping bags, backpacks, water bottles, flashlights, hygiene, tarps, emergency blankets, soap, tampons, pads, and such. All donations are greatly appreciated!

Event details
When: Tuesday, February 27th  1-5pm
Where: First Christian Church (1166 Oak St.)

Confirmed organizations for the event (so far):

  • Planned Parenthood
  • Womenspace
  • Eugene Gleaners
  • Goodwill Job Connectors
  • Burrito Brigade
  • Food Not Bombs

Organizations that have made donations:

  • Ophelia’s Place
  • The Bread Stop Bakery
  • 100-mile-bakery

There will also be information and pamphlets available for other resources, organizations, and charities around Eugene!


*First Christian Church neither endorses nor sponsors the activities of this group.

Kalapuya History

At every full collective gathering we acknowledge that we live in a society founded on stolen land and stolen lives. Someone researches and presents a relevant topic and then we take a moment of silence to reflect. We share the research here for others as well:

Before white settlers, the original peoples residing in what is now the Willamette Valley were the Kalapuya. The Kalapuya were not a single tribal entity, but rather thirteen autonomous groups loosely related by dialects, and these dialects made three distinct language groups. The thirteen groups, identified by their dialects, are as follows (from north to south): Tualatin, Yamhill, Ahantchuyuk, Luckiamute, Santiam, Chepenefa, Chemapho, Tsankupi, Mohawk (of no relation to the Mohawk Nation of New York and Canada), Chafan, Chelamela, Winefelly, and Yoncalla. Each of these groups resided along different areas of the Willamette, Umpqua, and McKenzie rivers. The Kalapuya were hunter-gatherers, gaining food by fishing and hunting, and gathering nuts, fruits, and roots. Their villages were occupied year-round, with smaller groups departing only to gather seasonal food and raw materials, and they used obsidian from the Cascade ranges to make projectile points for their weapons. Before contact with white settlers, it is believed the Kalapuya numbered as much as 15,000 people.

Much of the information of the tribes of greater Oregon was gathered by the Southwest Oregon Research Project started in 1995 at the University of Oregon. Initiated by the Coquille Nation, Native student researchers started a collection of photocopies of original documents that had been scattered and generally overlooked in the National Archives and National Anthropological Archives. These documents pertained to the history of Native peoples of greater Oregon and were established as a collection at the U of O within the Special Collections program of the library. This collection was intended by the project to allow Native and university scholars to continue to research and rewrite the histories of colonization that have been imposed on Native people, and has helped the tribes of Oregon and Northern California recover missing and lost histories and cultural information.

Eugene Resource Guide

The Little Guide to Free Resources in Eugene

A printable and summarized guide to the resources we think most useful for providing immediate needs, such as food, shelter, both medical and mental health care, etc. Please download and share this in the Eugene/Springfield area. Whether or not one has a direct need for the resources, we can all benefit from having and sharing these resources widely.

Download the Little Guide PDF (Feb 2024)


Full list of Resources in Eugene

White Bird has put together an online list of resources in Eugene. Instead of duplicating their work, we’re just going to link to theirs:

White Bird Online Resource List

Eugene Bike Safety Survey

The Neighborhood Anarchist Collective (NAC) Transportation Safety Project is gathering information on where cyclists and pedestrians have been hit by cars. We’ll publish this information to benefit the whole community.

Questions or interest in getting involved in this project? Please contact us: transportation @


Where have you been hit or almost hit by a car?

Fill out a new form for each collision or near collision.

Note: All responses will be anonymized and published publicly.



CFD Press Releases: Logging at Goose Timber Sale

CFD Press Releases: Logging at Goose Timber Sale

Comrades from the Cascadia Forest Defenders have released these statements:


LANE COUNTY OREGON: Logging has begun at the Goose Timber Sale in the Willamette National Forest north of McKenzie Bridge and highway 126. The Cascadia Forest Defenders (CFD) have maintained a tree sit protest inside the Goose Timber Sale since late May and CFD first observed evidence of logging on Tuesday October 17th.

The Forest Defender tree sit was searched and extensively photographed Wednesday October 18th by Lane County Sherriff’s Deputies and Forest Service Officers with a promise to “see you tomorrow”, says one Forest Defender. This is the first contact CFD has had with law enforcement since the tree sit protest began six months ago.

Cascadia Forest Defenders are making a general call to action to all activists and organizers in the Pacific Northwest to help stop the Goose Timber Sale. CFD will maintain a presence inside the Goose Timber Sale that will force Seneca Jones Timber Company and the U.S. Forest Service to abandon logging of public lands.

Logging has begun along forest road 704 near the entrance to the Frissell Trail. CFD asks all participating volunteers, activists, and media to access forest road 705 at the intersection of Highway 126 and McKenzie River Dr. Lane Transit District bus route 91 intersects with forest road 705 at Stop ID: 09086 near mile post 49 on Highway 126.

The Cascadia Forest defenders are committed to ending logging on all Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Services public lands. In the spirit of legendary American naturalist Edward O. Wilson, CFD wishes to keep half of Oregon wild, just as E.O. Wilson believes half of Earth must remain wild to maintain a livable biosphere. The Goose Timber Sale borders the H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest and has a high concentration of mountain springs that feed the McKenzie River. The McKenzie River is the primary water source for Eugene/Springfield and a crucial Bull Trout habitat.

“This action is not just about saving ancient forests or the McKenzie River, it’s about preventing human extinction and all the suffering to come,” says veteran activist Shannon Wilson.

For more information visit:

Contact: or



Back to the forest… where we are going, we don’t need roads…

On October 23, Cascadia Forest Defenders erected a road blockade at the entrance to the W Timber Sale. Taking direct action against Seneca Sawmill’s plan to destroy thousands of acres in the McKenzie River watershed, the blockade consists of large slash piles, multiple cars, and a refrigerator – all serving as an anchor for an occupied platform suspended 80 ft up a Douglas fir tree.

“We’re protecting drinking water, biodiversity, a stable climate, and – ultimately – our own survival,” said Scrimshaw Forest, of Cascadia Forest Defenders,“We oppose resource extraction and deforestation.”

Today Forest Defenders effectively halted logging and will continue to save an estimated 50-100 old growth trees each day the blockade remains.  Forest Service ranges visited the blockade this morning but no arrests have been made.

The sale is part of the 2000+ acre Goose Project in the Willamette National Forest. Logging began on October 16.​

Contact Cascadia Forest Defenders

phone: 541-554-2519

NAC Kickoff and Initial Projects

Pssst… Did you know there is a new anarchist collective in Eugene/Springfield?!

The Neighborhood Anarchist Collective (NAC) strives to grow the anarchist movement through strategic direct action and by providing a welcoming environment for education and participation. We organize locally to help build a society where neighbors support each other to meet basic needs, individuals are free to follow their passions, and empowered communities collectively shape the future.

After a few months of writing documentation and laying a solid foundation, NAC kicked things off by inviting comrades to a potluck where we introduced the structure of the collective and brainstormed about the projects we want to work on together.

There is quite a bit of nuance to the structure and you can read the full document to explore them in depth. Check out the principles of the collective to understand more about what we stand for and why.

The types projects the collective prioritizes:

  1. Serve and educate the community
  2. Give people a sense of their own power; and,
  3. Shift power from government and corporations to people and communities.

Using a fun brainstorming process, we each thought about the projects that we felt would achieve these ends. We then grouped similar projects together until there were a few clear categories of project ideas, and ended with the top three categories as our initial ‘secondary’ projects:

  • Resources sharing – Distributed tool and resource sharing project.
  • Monthly community gathering – with food, entertainment, free stores, skill shares, and education.
  • Transportation safety – such as improving bike lanes.

NAC is designed to be a collective of projects and action. There can be as many active projects as there are groups of people excited to be working on them! Do you want to help work toward any of these projects? Or, do you have an idea for a project that would benefit your community? Join us for one of our General Gatherings at Grower’s Market on the 3rd Sunday of the month from 630-8pm and bring with you your ideas, your enthusiasm, and your desire to affect your community!




Welcome! Thanks for you interest in the Neighborhood Anarchist Collective!

The site is still in development and we’re continuing to add detail and content. The Explore Anarchism and Empowered Self-Education pages are the most developed so far so definitely check those out!

Check back soon to see what we’ve chosen as the first project!