A Report Back on Resistance to the Olympic Trials in So-Called Eugene

A Report Back on Resistance to the Olympic Trials in So-Called Eugene

This reportback was shared with us anonymously. NAC did not organize this action.

The Olympic track trials took place on Kalapuya Land in so-called Eugene from June 21st to June 30th. Over the course of the trials, resistance took the form of marches and attacks on symbols of imperialism and the Olympics throughout the town. Report backs were received on two autonomous actions that happened in the early hours of June 27th:


June 27, Nike Building on Kalapuya Land, so-called eugene, oregon

In the early-morning hours of June 27, a group took it upon themselves to respond to a call to action to disrupt business as usual in so-called eugene. As this city focuses on the spectacle of the olympic track trials, we must remember that there will be no business as usual until Palestine is free.

In mere minutes the atrocious, neon-orange, nike building got a makeover. Some windows were smashed, an inflatable entrance was slashed, and some red paint splattered on the walls. The group left a single tag reading “Free Gaza,” to make their intentions even more clear.

While nike likes to pretend it is “progressive,” the company very actively supports genocide. Nike regularly sends athletic equipment to the isr*eli defense forces, and regularly contributes to isr*eli zionist organizations. Nike has funded and collaborated with isr*eli athletes and sports associations based in isr*el. This action is the least that they deserve.

As always, let this serve as a reminder that we can always take things into our own hands.

With Love, Rage, and Solidarity,

Free Palestine.


Early morning on June 27th, local Olympics targets that are symbols of imperialism, colonialism, and capitalism were attacked during the Olympic Track and Field trials, which serve to legitimize US & “Israeli” global terror and genocide. A University of Oregon mural on Franklin boulevard near the trials was redecorated with a paint-filled fire extinguisher and multiple spray-painted stencils to condemn the University’s role in facilitating genocide abroad and forced displacement at home.

We will not tolerate complicity in genocide. Zionist and American fascism are laying waste to the Palestinian people who are refusing their disappearance with a bravery and steadfastness that we must uplift with our whole beings in action or else drown in the blood of our wavering inaction. The targets are everywhere. We have waited too long. We must take all necessary action against our genocidal state for liberation.

The horrors of genocide are not an isolated elsewhere but are ever-present in the concrete here and now. The Olympics, built on the blood, labor, and displacement of oppressed peoples everywhere, serve only to legitimize empire. In the tradition of Indigenous resistance to the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, we say No Olympics on Stolen Land. In the tradition of the anti-fascist 1936 People’s Olympiad, we say No Olympics of Fascist Terror. In the tradition of the 1996 Atlanta Olympics that spawned GILEE, a direct tie between the fascist US police and the fascist IOF, we say fuck your Olympics and Stop Cop City.

Here in Eugene, the Olympic trials bring an inordinate amount of gentrification, policing, and the violent evictions and forcible displacement of houseless people from public space. These imperialist incursions into our community are rapidly changing the landscape of this city, bringing only profits drenched in the blood of genocide and the violence of the state upon our own oppressed. There are no separate worlds. Resistance until victory!

Free Casey Goonan!

Free Jack Mazurek!

Freedom to all fighting people!

Victory to the Palestinian Resistance!

Boarded up Nike shop windows



Have an action report you’d like published anonymously? Share it here: https://neighborhoodanarchists.org/action-report

Share Fair Report Back!

The Neighborhood Anarchist Collective (NAC) hosted its second Solidarity Share Fair of 2024 on May 19. Share Fair has been an ongoing NAC project for 6 years, with events as often as monthly and currently about every 3 months, as volunteer availability allows. This May was one of the largest and most successful Share Fairs to date. An estimated 400 participants enjoyed live music, hot food, haircuts, and more– all completely free of charge. Participants brought donations as well, so a rotating selection of clothes and other items were available. Longtime donor Run Hub Northwest provided shoes, and a grant allowed NAC to purchase dozens of tents. Hundreds of donated tarps were also available, along with portable stoves.

Other organizations joined NAC in providing services to the community. HIV Alliance provided HIV testing and harm reduction supplies; first aid materials were available onsite and to take, along with natural remedies provided by Herbalists Without Borders. In addition to burgers, hot dogs, and sides provided by NAC, 86 Hunger brought their own food truck, and Dark Pine donated coffee. A volunteer was available for mending and altering clothing, and Housing and Neighborhood Defense provided information on tenant rights.

While goods and services aimed at basic survival are prioritized, there are options to meet other needs as well. A masseuse set up a table under the shade trees, peacekeepers were available for deescalation as needed and a listening ear, and live music and lawn games kept the atmosphere festive.

Solidarity Share Fair embodies the principle of mutual aid. For anarchists, this means a form of meeting each other’s needs free from hierarchies or stipulations. Participants and organizers alike are able to give what they can and take what they need. At Share Fair, no one has to prove that they need resources or agree with NAC’s ideals in order to get access to them. Needing something alone is reason enough to receive it. If this is your vision for the world, or even for an afternoon, please sign up to volunteer or donate at https://neighborhoodanarchists.org/sharefair/

The next Share Fair is going to be August 18th at the Park Blocks!

Why we don’t get permits

This statement is not a commentary in response to any specific group or event

As a collective we do not seek permits from State authority for any meetings or events. We collectively understand that participation with State authority lends that authority credence and legitimacy. We do not believe the State has legitimate authority over the autonomous actions of people. And so we collectively refuse to legitimize or prop up white supremacist, colonialist, patriarchal, ableist, classist power structures wherever possible; refusing to seek permits falls directly in line with that collective ethic. 

Note: This is not a condemnation of other groups we collaborate with who may seek permits. It is a statement of our collectively agreed upon desire to thwart any and all State authority. We invite people and groups to reflect on why they choose to engage with the State and seek permits.

Attack on Starbucks

Attack on Starbucks

This reportback was shared with us anonymously. NAC did not organize this action. This was also posted on https://pugetsoundanarchists.org/attack-on-starbucks-eugene/.

Wednesday, May 15th, Kalapuya land, so-called eugene.

Before dawn, an autonomous group smashed the windows of a local starbucks, leaving only “Free Gaza” and “Land Back” written in paint. This action was taken to bring awareness to the genocide taking place in Gaza and to interrupt business-as-usual. This act of vengeance was carried out on May 15th, Nakba Day, a day recognizing the ongoing genocide and forced displacement of Palestinians.

Starbucks has repeatedly shown its hostility towards Palestinian liberation, and did so most recently when it sued its workers’ union for posting a statement in support of Palestine on social media. The economy of eugene is complicit in the genocide happening in Gaza; the university and multi-national corporations profit off imperialism while making the city unaffordable for the majority of people there. While starbucks isn’t playing a central role in the genocide the israeli miliary is waging, starbucks is symbolic of an amerikkkan psyche and economy that feeds off imperialism. The chain is a tell tale sign of gentrification and a staple of the white middle and upper middle class. We won’t stand aside and let the amerikkkan economy continue unabated when it’s a system founded on and actively fueling colonialism and genocide.

This was done by a group of autonomous antifascists who echo the words of the anti-zionists that shut down the “Friends of the IDF” gala:

We have no name. We are not an organization. We are not an entity. Do not try to find us. We are everywhere and we will not stop.

Palestine will be free.

Have an action report you’d like published anonymously? Share it here: https://neighborhoodanarchists.org/action-report

Scholz Noise Demo

This reportback was shared with us anonymously. NAC did not organize this action.

Early in the morning on May 15th, a group of about 20 people crept from the shadows in a bourgeois neighborhood adjacent to the University of Oregon, in so-called Eugene. Their target was one particular mansion, the residence of the president of the U of O John Karl Scholz. On this night Scholz would not sleep! Just as Palestinian mothers don’t sleep knowing their children are not safe from the hell that rains down on them on any other “regular” night.
They came armed with buckets and drum sticks, water cooler jugs emblazoned with messages of resistance, whistles, and megaphones. As they approached, the racket started with a drum beat here and a whistle blow there, but soon the whole medley joined in, complete with chants led by megaphones. Some people stood on the steps leading up to the mansion, but others faced their fears and marched right up to the front door. A few people ran around the whole building several times and into the driveway where the president’s luxury vehicles were parked. The noise continued for almost 10 minutes, but the cowardly Scholz never turned on a light, let alone showed his face.
Just as abruptly as it started, the noise ceased. The arrival of two pigs signaled the moment it was time to scatter. Some asked whether they had done enough. That perhaps it was time to go back for round two. Why should the president be allowed to continue his slumber when so many innocent Palestinians continue to be slaughtered on a daily basis?
In the end, it was decided to fight another day. Rather than be angry, Scholz should consider himself lucky that his adversaries only arm themselves with noise makers, and not guns, bombs, and rockets as they do in Gaza.

Have an action report you’d like published anonymously? Share it here: https://neighborhoodanarchists.org/action-report
Share Fair May 19th!

Share Fair May 19th!

The purpose of the Share Fair is to connect people with resources, services, and each other in a convenient and fun way. The fair will be providing free resources and services from local organizations and community groups to unhoused and working class members of the community. There will be food, live music, games, and a chance to know other Eugene organizations and folks in the community – and it’s all free!

When: Sunday, May 19th, 2024
Where: Eugene Park Blocks (8th & Oak)
Time: 12pm-4pm


** Want to help out? Donations, volunteers, and services needed! **

Eugene May Day 2024

Eugene May Day 2024

Join us for the May Day 2024 International Workers’ Day Celebration! There will be music, workshops, food, a May Pole, games, activities for kids, speakers, and more!

Sunday, April 28th noon-5pm @ Eugene Park Blocks (8th and Oak)

Full schedule and more details: eugenemayday.org

A15 action reportback

A15 action reportback

This reportback was shared with us from the A15 action in Eugene in solidarity with economic blockades around the world to stop the genocide in Gaza. NAC did not organize this action.

On the morning of Monday, April 15th, community members in Eugene, Oregon blockaded Interstate 5 in solidarity with an international call to action to shut down economic trade for Palestine. The goal of this global solidarity effort was to shut down the economy that funds the ongoing occupation and genocide in Palestine.

In response to this expression of their first amendment right, 6 state agencies (EPD, OPD, SPD, Lane County Sheriffs, and the SWAT team included) showed up with over 127 officers equipped in riot gear, with munitions and chemical weapons on display. At various points, pepperball guns were aimed within lethal distance at people’s bodies.

62 arrests were made and the protesters were kept overnight, some for over 30 hours, for this call to end a genocide that has already martyred over 30,000 Palestinians. While all prisoners everywhere are subjected to dehumanizing treatment, we highlight that several trans and gender non-conforming folks were kept in solitary confinement without being presented options, and at least two arrestees were denied access to medications that were on their person with prescription notes at the time of the arrest.

The escalation and severity of this response by the police towards a group of protesters is indicative of a trajectory that should alarm all of us. Every protester that was arrested has been charged with disorderly conduct in the second degree, further underscoring the desperation of the State to maintain control.

While outrageous that 62 citizens that chose to rebel against this country’s complicity with genocide were punished with jail and collective charges, this doesn’t compare to what each and every Palestinian is subjected to every day. Our 24-32 hours in jail pales next to what political prisoners all around the prison world experience. For those of us for whom this was the first experience in a cage, we re-affirm our commitment to the struggle for freedom for Palestinian prisoners and prisoners everywhere, against the police and prisons, against the occupation, against American imperialism, against capitalism —  for a better world, the slight chance for which we will not fail to seize.⁩

Over 9,500 Palestinians have been imprisoned since October 7th, including 275 women, 520 children, 66 journalists, and 5,168 orders of administrative detention without charges or trial, and at least 16 Palestinian prisoners tortured to death.

The people of Eugene unite with the people of the world in this clear demand: We want Palestine to live, and we want Palestine to be free

Action Report: ReMax Protest

Action Report: ReMax Protest

This is an action report sent to NAC anonymously. NAC did not organize this action.

On Monday, February 26th, a small group of activists in Eugene, OR took to the streets and marched to the offices of ReMax.

ReMax is a real estate company that directly participates in and profits off of the ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people at the hands of Israel and the United States.

ReMax is the biggest real estate company in occupied Palestine, selling homes that are built on the stolen land of Palestinian families, and is a mechanism of settlement and displacement.


ReMax is an enemy of the people, which is why community members gave them a visit to shut down their work for the day.

The Eugene Police Department (EPD) and ReMax must have felt threatened enough by even a mere call to action that they locked the doors of the office building, which seemed mostly empty anyways. On the one hand, activists didn’t get to go into the ReMax office and disrupt work.

On the other hand, they did close their office, and customers and delivery drivers had a hard time accessing the building. In front of the office building, activists listened to music, led chants and read poetry. The group then left to drop a “Fuck ReMax” banner over the highway.

As the group jubilantly marched back in the streets, they were followed b a disembodied voice from the police speakers, attempting to intimidate them with one final threat: “picking flowers is a crime.” Everyone was able to disperse safely with no arrests. Fuck the police.

EPD was on the scene the whole time, performing their duties of protecting private property and attempting to intimidate the group. EPD is an enemy of the people. They only exist to protect private property and the rich, like ReMax and its assets. The police are the occupying force in Eugene, surveilling our neighborhoods, harassing and arresting our homeless neighbors and brutalizing protestors and activists in the streets.

In the same breath that we condemn the Israeli Occupation Forces, we condemn EPD, for they both uphold imperialism, they both support the genocide of the Palestinian people, they both use rubber bullets and tear gas against the people, they both commit murder with impunity. We won’t be intimidated by them!


Activists hope that this action will inspire the people here in Eugene. It is possible to target those who perpetuate this genocide. They have addresses and office buildings, and they are not invincible. Eugene residents take inspiration from similar actions that have taken place across the west coast, such as the Block the Boat actions, Amazon warehouse blockades, and other disruptions of the machinations of capital.

Overall, the activists were testing what is possible in this town. Since 2020, local militancy has died down significantly, and the people are faced with having to re-learn how to take action together. We don’t have to listen to the pigs when they tell us not to trespass.

We don’t have to listen to the pigs when they tell us to disperse or stop blocking traffic.

We don’t have to listen to the pigs at all. We can take direct action in as many ways as we can imagine.

We must continue to take action together to stop the genocide of Palestinians by any means necessary!

There is so much more to be done, and we can only do it together! Solidarity with those who took the streets and defied the police!

The masses of the world stand with the Palestinian people and we will not stop until Palestine, and all oppressed nations and their people are free!

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!


Care and Community at the Share Fair

This article was written by UO journalism student Nate Wilson who attended and wrote about the Share Fair for a class project. We think it really captures the spirit of the Share Fair and so we wanted to share it more widely! (With Nate’s permission of course.) 

Eugene, Ore. — Hundreds of Eugene’s unhoused and lower-income residents gathered at the Solidarity Share Fair to restock on essential supplies and recover from the ice storm that froze much of the Willamette Valley last week.

Held at the Unitarian Universalist Church and facilitated by the Neighborhood Anarchist Collective (NAC) since 2017, the Share Fair provides free resources to those in need: everything from blankets and kids toys to tampons and alcohol-fueled lamps. NAC, a local organization devoted to community support, nonviolence and the decentralization of power, believes direct action like the Share Fair is critical to helping marginalized people in Eugene, which, as of 2019, has the highest per capita rate of houselessness in the country.

The Share Fair gave Eric, an unhoused person who sheltered at the nearby Lane Events Center during the ice storm, a necessary respite. “I’m still recovering from it physically,” said Eric. “I’m just so sore. My hip is killing me and I’m limping, but I know I don’t have any broken bones.”

Full of warm enchiladas and with a bag of new socks in tow, Eric planned to heal his aching body with a Thai massage, one of many free services offered by the Share Fair alongside first-aid assistance, bike repair and haircuts.

Volunteer Coordinator for NAC, Yarrow, worried about those who couldn’t make it to one of Eugene’s warming centers when the weather was much worse. “I almost feel like this event is too late,” said Yarrow. “People are only now getting the things they could’ve used a couple of weeks ago.

Tim, the executive director of the Eugene-Springfield Tenant Association, shared a similar concern. According to Tim, the ice storm forced more people into houselessness largely because of fires sparked by electrical malfunctions. Although the tenant association didn’t receive an influx of calls during the ice storm, people who did call faced much more dire circumstances than normal.

Finally free from slippery and cold conditions, however, locals returned to the Share Fair with enthusiasm. Kathy, a first-timer who proudly adorned a University of Oregon (UO) visor, arrived early to capitalize on the dozen tables loaded with donated clothing. Scoring new boots, clippers and two bags of clothes, Kathy quickly filled her seated walker.

As Kathy browsed the clothing tables, several others sat to appreciate the smooth folk music echoing across the church’s central chamber. While listening and enjoying food served by volunteers from UO’s Alpha Phi Omega, people reconnected with familiar faces and talked to new ones. The Share Fair isn’t just about restocking, but also building community.

In order to foster community, NAC prioritizes inclusivity — all are welcome, no questions asked. Comparing the Share Fair to a similar initiative in Florence, Marci and her daughter saw a stark contrast. Marci remarked at the lack of stigma surrounding the unhoused and lower-income people at the Share Fair, and at the consideration organizers demonstrated.

“Everyone here is friendly and relaxed — you just get a really warm vibe,” Marci said. “I would definitely come back.”

Both Eric and Kathy plan to as well.

The next Share Fair will take place in late April. When mainstream pathways of care are inaccessible or break down, as they did during Oregon’s recent ice storm, events like the Share Fair become even more important.

“What we’re doing is actually going to people,” said Yarrow. “We’re building a community through solidarity, especially for people who have been pretty abused by the system.”