
Why we don’t get permits

This statement is not a commentary in response to any specific group or event

As a collective we do not seek permits from State authority for any meetings or events. We collectively understand that participation with State authority lends that authority credence and legitimacy. We do not believe the State has legitimate authority over the autonomous actions of people. And so we collectively refuse to legitimize or prop up white supremacist, colonialist, patriarchal, ableist, classist power structures wherever possible; refusing to seek permits falls directly in line with that collective ethic. 

Note: This is not a condemnation of other groups we collaborate with who may seek permits. It is a statement of our collectively agreed upon desire to thwart any and all State authority. We invite people and groups to reflect on why they choose to engage with the State and seek permits.

Eugene May Day 2024

Eugene May Day 2024

Join us for the May Day 2024 International Workers’ Day Celebration! There will be music, workshops, food, a May Pole, games, activities for kids, speakers, and more!

Sunday, April 28th noon-5pm @ Eugene Park Blocks (8th and Oak)

Full schedule and more details: eugenemayday.org

Mutual Aid Sticker

Mutual Aid Sticker

We’ve made an original image about mutual aid! Could be shared on socials or made into stickers.

Background is a yellow sunflower. Text reads:
Mutual Aid
Life is a series of opportunities to be there for each other



May Day 2023 Celebration!

May Day 2023 Celebration!

Join us for the May Day 2023 International Workers’ Day Celebration! There will be music, art, food, screen printing, a May Pole, games, activities for kids, speakers, and more!

Sunday, April 30th noon-5pm @ Eugene Park Blocks (8th and Oak)

Schedule and more details: eugenemayday.org

Fall 2023 Public Gathering

The Public Gatherings are a seasonal meeting to welcome new people to the collective and come together to learn what people are working on, gather advice, and discuss projects.

When: Sunday January 15th 5-7pm
In person: Growers Market (454 Willamette. Door between Morning Glory and Black Wolf)
Online: https://8×8.vc/naceugene/public(Use Chrome for best results)

If you can’t make this meeting but would still like to be involved you can contact us here: https://neighborhoodanarchists.org/get-involved/

Accessibility: NAC strives to have our meetings be accessible to everyone. Our in person meetings are ADA accessible. Our online meetings can have captions. During meetings we take a break and we welcome everyone doing what they need to be present. Please do what you need to do to take care of yourself and let us know if there’s anything that would be helpful. Please consider not wearing strong scents for those who are sensitive. If you have any questions or accessibility needs please email us at contact@neighborhoodanarchists.org.

We at NAC recognize that our society is dominated by intersecting oppressive power structures, including capitalism, the state, white supremacy / racism, cis-hetero-patriarchy, and ableism. We are committed to intersectional action in all that we do.

May Day 2022

There are a number of events leading up to and around May Day this year! 

Fri April 22nd 6pm – “No Gods No Masters” Part 1 @ https://twitch.tv/nogodsnomasterseug
Fri April 29th 6pm – “No Gods No Masters” Part 2 @ https://twitch.tv/nogodsnomasterseug
Sun May 1st noon-8pm – May Day Celebration! @ Park Blocks
Tues May 3rd 2:30pm – Campus May Day! @ EMU
Wed May 4th 6pm – “No Gods No Masters” Part 3 @ https://twitch.tv/nogodsnomasterseug

The Real Labor Day

The Real Labor Day

Many do not know Labor Day was concocted by President Cleveland, with an insidious, but not official intent to diffuse support for May Day (International Workers Day), with its Anarchist and Socialist roots. To add even more insult to injury, american patriots re-branded Mayday as ‘loyalty day.’

Mayday has its roots in two different themes. First, it was a pagan celebration of the spring, which was opposed and suppressed by the church. Second, it commemorates the labor movement and the Chicago Haymarket Affair of 1886. The latter was a sequence of events that started as a large rally. There was a bomb blast, with several cops and citizens killed. Afterwards, government, business and the press perpetuated the red scare. Eight Anarchists were arrested and tried for the bombing, with four of them executed by the state. Historic analysis of the trial revealed the proceedings to be anything but a fair trial. Labor continued its fight for the 40 hour work week and benefits and an end to child labor, for years to come. The labor movement achieved much, but many of the hard earned gains, are under threat.

If you are one of the lucky ones who’s boss gave you today off, enjoy your day. Lastly, remember all of those who fought against the cogs of capitalism, with risk to their livelihood and lives, for many of the benefits we enjoy today, and don’t forget to celebrate the real labor day next spring on May 1st International Worker’s Day.

More Reading:

Essays from the Incarcerated- Reflections on mass incarceration, Covid-19, and rebellion against police brutality

A collection of writings from those behind bars:

  • Using Protests As Arenas For Dialogue For The Emergence of Critical Consciousness – by Lacino Hamilton
  • We Can’t Breathe: On the Lynching of George Floyd – By Kevin “Rashid” Johnson
  • As I Wake Up – By Stacey Dyer
  • Drawings – Peter “Pitt” Mukuria

Click here to download the PDF

Resuming Public Gatherings!

We’re going to be resuming NAC Public Gatherings starting in August!

The next one will be August 16th 5-7pm @ https://meet.jit.si/nacpublic (Use Chrome for best results)

This will be an opportunity for new people to learn about NAC and a time for existing people to connect and socialize.

We hope to see you there!

Anonymous action report

If anyone involved in the actions last night would like to share their perspective we have set up an anonymous form for direct action reports. You can share your thoughts anonymously and we can publish them.
The voices of those involved in controversial events and their reasons for action are often lost in the discussion because they cannot share them without repercussions. We want to hear from you.

This is a new thing for us. Feedback on this idea and form are welcome.